Going Beyond Steps
“The surest sign of the truth is simplicity and clarity.”
– Leo Tolstoy
Many people I’ve worked with throughout the years have come to me after going through multiple programs and workshops with the question:
“Why is this (my business, relationship, health, etc.) still not working? I implemented the steps, but I’m still not getting the outcome I really want.”
Many of us have faced this scenario. We study and receive other people’s advice, formulas, steps, that worked for them, but for whatever reason, it’s not working for us.
There is a reason for this.
You’ve probably heard the advice that you can “model success.” What this usually means is that if you figure out the steps someone else took to create a desired outcome and apply those same steps in your life, you’ll get a similar result.
But that’s not totally accurate. This mindset overlooks the fact that the ‘steps’ emerged from someone else’s insight, someone else’s clarity of mind and receptivity to a much deeper intelligence.
Prior to the formulation of steps, someone had enough clarity of mind to have an insight into the nature of their problem and how to solve or dissolve it.
Many of these folks would tell you that the answer or solution just “came to them” while taking a shower, or after a nap, or while enjoying a warm cup of tea or while on a drive to the grocery store.
Whether we realize it or not, it’s usually a quiet mind that has dropped its preoccupation with old thoughts that allows for new and insightful thoughts to emerge.
It can take a while, depending on who I’m working with, but most of the people I’ve worked with eventually realize that the steps aren’t nearly as important as their own clarity of mind and their own connection to their wisdom.
The truth is: You don’t need steps. You need clarity.
You don't need steps. You need clarity. Click To Tweet
Steps can be helpful. But even if you follow steps, it’s your own inner wisdom that will provide you with the clarity of how to use, or even change, those steps.
When the mind is clear, calm, open and receptive, a much deeper intelligence (Mind) provides the perfect, tailor-made insight you need to take the most effective steps for you.
This profound, spiritual intelligence is always present, within us. No matter where we go, what we’re facing, what’s happening – it’s here, present, available and always broadcasting the wisdom of the ages.
All it usually takes is our own willingness to drop our pre-occupation with our current, limited view for new, and wiser, thoughts to appear and guide the way.