ForGive vs ForGet

There are two very distinct Ways of Being in life.
The first, and most popular Way of Being, can be summed up in one word:
ForGet = Life Is For Getting
Getting stuff
Getting love
Getting success
Getting money
Getting enlightenment
Etc. Etc.
When we believe the purpose of life is For Getting something, we have essentially forgotten who and what we really are.
It’s in the word itself: ForGet
When we see life “for getting” we forget and lose sight of our spiritual nature, of our innate wholeness, completeness and perfection. We forget that we are infinite, spiritual beings having a finite, human experience.
When we forget, we fall into the dream of separation and illusion of lack.
In this dream, we play the game of Getting, Getting, Getting with the hope that the things we get will give us the lasting happiness, love and peace we have forgotten we already have.
It never works.
At some point, another Way of Being dawns on us.
We start remembering who and what we really are.
This other Way of Being can also be summed up in one word:
ForGive = Life Is For Giving
This word contains a dual teaching.
First, it’s the recognition that as a complete and whole, spiritual being, there isn’t anything we need to get from this world because there is nothing lacking within us. And because there is nothing lacking, because we are full and complete beings that have access to an infinite source of supply, we are free to give and to give fully:
Our love
Our joy
Our talents
Our gifts
Our genius
Our compassion
Second, the act of “Forgiving” is a powerful and effective way to shift out of “ForGetting” and start remembering who and what we really are.
To forgive everyone for everything – including your parents, your siblings, your friends, your neighbors, your boss, your clients, the world, your past, your self – unleashes the magnificent and innate potential within.
The more we forgive the more we can give and want to give.
The more we wake up to our Wholeness and Completeness, the more we realize that we are sourcing everything from a limitless supply within us.
We recognize that we have never been disconnected or separate from our Source, not even for one second!
When Life is ForGetting, we suffer because we fall into a dream of judgements, disapproval, and duality.
When Life is ForGiving, we thrive because we have made ourselves available to the Divine Intelligence behind all life and within us, to express in, through and as our lives for the highest good of all.
To your joy and freedom,
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