Four Daily Questions For Accessing Inner Wisdom And Creating An Amazing Life

Recently, my wife Sarah and I had a conversation about our intentions, plans and goals for 2017. The conversation brought up the importance of staying aligned and creating from the deeper wisdom and intelligence within on a daily, vs yearly, basis.
In that spirit, I shared with her a simple contemplative practice I use daily to consciously access my inner wisdom to guide my life, decisions, and attention. She thought it would be valuable to share with others, as well as use it for herself.
Although deceptively simple, these four questions can catalyze profound insights into your life and uncover what you really need at this time to be happy, effective and at peace – no matter what.
All that is required is your own willingness to pay attention, listen deeply and be receptive to your inner wisdom and guidance.
Prior to sitting with these questions, I like to take a few minutes to let my mind settle, calm my thoughts and sensitize my awareness. I bring my attention to the space within that is always quiet, open and still.
As my thoughts settle, my mind becomes more receptive and open to inner wisdom and guidance.
It’s at this time that I ask the first question:
1. What Would You Have Me Receive Right Now?
It’s fairly obvious, but to be clear, this question is placed before the Universal Intelligence/Wisdom within. Whether you call it your Higher Self, Great Spirit, God, The Universe, Mind or no name at all, this deeper Intelligence is always available, here and now, broadcasting the perfect ideas and insights to support your life.
At this point, I listen deeply, with the understanding that what is seeking to emerge will come through in a form that I will understand. The same is true for you. Trust this.
At some point, sometimes within seconds, I feel a rush of deeper feelings of love, peace, awe, wonder, a sense of radiant aliveness and energy. These are just my words. In fact, what comes through is ineffable, yet beautiful.
Once I feel that I’ve received the answer to the question, I move on to the next question:
2. What Would You Have Me Know Right Now?
Again, I listen deeply.
Inevitably, and for me, I usually get struck by some deeper knowing or insight that reminds me of something I’ve always known, but maybe have forgotten.
Things like “Trust that all is working out perfectly” or “You are loved just the way you are, always.” and so on.
These are just examples. Every day is different. The key is to simply be present, pay attention and listen deeply.
Once I feel I’ve received the answer to this question, I move on to the next one:
3. What Would You Have Me Let Go Of?
Again, I listen deeply.
Inevitably, I see or recognize some kind of limitation or fear that has been restricting my joy and potential.
Things like “Wanting to be the one in control” or “Seeking for security outside of yourself” and so on.
Again, these are just examples. What comes through will always be tailor-made just for you.
Finally, once I feel I’ve received the answer to that question, I ask the final question:
4. What Would You Have Me Do Today?
Again, I simply listen.
Inevitably, I see, hear or feel something that gives me a clear sense of what to do. Sometimes, it’s a very specific action such as “Call Amy and check in on her”. And sometimes, it’s more of an over-arching action such as “Whatever you do, do it with love” or “Notice the small, ordinary miracles throughout the day.”
As with the previous questions, what comes through will always be specific to you and your life at this time.
Afterwards, I take a moment to give thanks and be grateful for what has come through, and begin my day.
This usually takes me anywhere from 5 – 15 minutes.
I also like to write what came through in my journal as they’re usually pretty juicy little nuggets of wisdom.
While your morning practice may be different, it is worth taking time every day to tune in and listen to your inner wisdom and guidance. This will allow you to create your life aligned with what is truly the highest for all.