How To Accelerate Personal Healing & Spiritual Evolution

There is an acceleration of personal healing and spiritual evolution when we completely release the belief that “Somehow, in some way, someone or something has done something to make me feel the way I feel.”
That’s the tagline for a Victim Mentality.
Victimhood is based on the faulty premise that “Life is happening to me.”
From this level of consciousness, we find ourselves living, feeling and acting from an “Outside-In” misunderstanding of the nature of our experience.
The “Outside-In” misunderstanding is the foundation for the Victim Mentality. Without it, there would be nothing for it to stand on. It couldn’t possibly survive without it.
The “Outside-In Misunderstanding” is simply the innocent, but mistaken, belief that there is a connection between how we feel in the moment and external circumstances, events, people and so on.
When we believe that our “right now” feelings are coming from something “out there” or something “not here” – the past/future – here’s actually all that’s happening:
1. We’re thinking (otherwise there would be nothing to blame, nothing to say, nothing to point to, etc.)
2. We’re believing our thoughts to be true (otherwise, like so many other thoughts throughout the day, it would just pass unencumbered)
In other words…
You’re only feeling your “right now” thinking in the moment.
That’s it. Nothing more.
You’re feeling what you’re holding in mind in this very instant.
Your feelings aren’t telling you anything about circumstances, the future, events, people, etc.
Your feelings are only informing you about your thinking – your thoughts about circumstances, the future, events, people, etc.
When the Inner Eye opens up to recognize that we’re only feeling our “right now” thinking in the moment, something profound occurs that tends to accelerate our personal healing and spiritual evolution more than anything else:
We, essentially, let the world off the hook.
We wake up to the fact that there is nothing outside of us that is responsible for the suffering, limitation and pain we feel.
Simultaneously, we also wake up to the fact that there is nothing outside of us that is responsible for the happiness, freedom and joy we feel.
It’s all happening within us, from the “Inside-Out”.
For someone really caught up in a Victim Mentality, this can be a hard pill to swallow. We can get used to blaming everything and everyone for how we feel right now.
But that doesn’t change the fact that we are only ever feeling our “right now” thinking.
And if we are willing, even a little, to be open to the possibility that we’re only feeling Thought in the moment and not something other than Thought…
We may come to the profound realization that whatever we’re thinking right now, we don’t actually have to think that.
Nobody and nothing is forcing us to think what we’re thinking in the moment. Nobody. Nothing.
The more we recognize this, the more we find (quite naturally) that, in any and every moment, we don’t have to take the random and impersonal nature of our thoughts so seriously.
We don’t have to take our thoughts personally.
This marks a departure from a habitual, Victim Mentality.
Profound Healing occurs when we no longer take our most painful and limiting thoughts as being representative of reality.
Spiritual Evolution occurs when we wake up to the fact that life isn’t happening to us, but through us, as us, from the inside-out, moment by moment.
To your joy and freedom,
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Create a beautiful day!