How To Light Up The World

Imagine for a moment that you are a lamp…
And like all lamps in this world, you have one primary purpose in life:
To shine your light upon the world.
Now, like all lamps, to fulfill your primary purpose in life you’re going to need to be plugged into the right socket in order to get the power you need to light up.
Obviously, if you’re not plugged into the right socket, you’re not going to light up. Right?
It doesn’t really matter how much you want to light up and fulfill your purpose of shining your light.
If you’re not plugged into the right socket, you won’t have the power to do it. You simply can’t light up.
On some level, we’ve always known this.
That’s why at some point, our lives become all about seeking and finding the right socket to plug ourselves into.
We search for someone or something in this world to plug ourselves into so we can get the ‘juice’ out of it that we believe it can provide us.
We plug ourselves into the socket of our careers, our wife/husband, family, success, money and so on. We go from one thing to the next, running around plugging ourselves into this and that, only to find we’re not getting very much juice out of any of it.
Understandably, we get frustrated, even angry, and may even start blaming everything and everyone because they’re not giving us the juice we thought we could get from them.
This continues until we recognize, often times from sheer exhaustion, that nothing in this world has been able to light us up fully, and never will, in the way we sense we can.
In Short
We come to the realization that we can’t be lit up from the outside-in.
At this point, if we’re listening and paying attention, we may start looking in a different direction altogether.
We start looking within.
We start exploring what is outside the boundary conditions of our thinking, judgement, and inner chatter.
Inevitably, we discover “ Of course I couldn’t plug myself into something or someone else ‘out there’!
It was destined to fail!
Why? Because we discover the cosmic joke…
The socket was built into us, within.
And all those times we assumed we were unplugged and were searching frantically for a socket to plug into, all that running around and the pain that oftentimes comes with it, was just us temporarily unplugging ourselves from the only true source of power.
Call it Love. Call it Spirit. Call it whatever you want. It doesn’t matter because it doesn’t change what it is.
The right socket we’ve been looking to plug ourselves into so we can fulfill our purpose of shining our light in this world is within, prior to the formation of thought, belief and perception.
It is in this miraculous space that we tap into the unlimited, infinite power of the Universe.
We were designed to get powered up and lit up from the inside-out.
The light that we are all here to shine comes from the same source.
Like all lamps that are getting their energy to light up from the same source we call “electricity”, all humans beings get their energy to light up from the same source that we could call “Love.”
As a wise teacher once said, seek first the kingdom (within) and everything else will be added unto you.
Another way to say the same thing:
Plug into the true source of power and you will be filled to overflowing…and that overflow will light up the world!
To your joy and freedom,
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