How To Open The Floodgates Of Well-Being

by | Mar 13, 2017

Consider this for a moment:

We only seek to get from this world that which we haven’t yet realized we already have within us.

It’s one thing to fulfill your soul’s potential, to express your latent talents, gifts and capacities, from a place of giving, sharing and unleashing that which can’t help but express itself in, through and as you.

It’s completely another to do so from a place of deficiency and hoping that, by doing so, you’ll get something from this world that you don’t already have.

In this very moment, as I write this to you, I am sitting on a comfy chair, looking out the window, watching the trees dancing in the wind, while the birds are happily singing their songs.

Minus any thoughts about this moment, it’s simply perfect. It’s all dancing, moving, flowing, functioning with such Intelligence, harmony and precision. Life is unfolding.

Isn’t that something?

Just beneath or behind our evaluative, judgmental thoughts about life, circumstances, ourselves, etc. there’s a quiet space that’s always in touch with this harmony.

It is this harmony.

But we tend to drown it out. We tend to get so caught up in the noise of our thinking, and nurturing it with belief, that we lose sight of the simplicity and nurturing flow of this moment.

Many of us forget how sweet and deeply nurturing it is to slow down to the speed of life. We’re constantly on the run, searching, anticipating the next moment, imagining the future, dwelling on the past, planning what to do, what to change, what to accomplish, what to fix, and so on.

And all the while, wishing we were able to just relax, take a break, slow down and take it all in.

Somehow, it seems we all got really confused as to where the source of our power and well-being really comes from.

We tend to think it’s somewhere else, other than here and now.

We tend to think “I’ll have it after I get this done, achieve this, fix that, heal this, do that, and [fill in the blank with whatever carrot you’ve put on the stick].”

And because most people are functioning with this idea that they’ll find what has always been within, here and now, somewhere else, somewhere ‘out there’, somewhere at the end of an arbitrary rainbow…

We are rarely reminded that none of that is necessary. None of that will give us what our soul’s are truly yearning for.

All the sages, saints, mystics and enlightened ones have repeatedly reminded us, for ages, to look within. To slow down. To notice what’s actually here right now. To call off the seeking to get somewhere and slow down long enough to notice something you may be overlooking.

What’s that something?

It’s the fact that you’re already Home. You’re already at the pot of gold at the end of your rainbow.

The only thing in the way of you enjoying the full bounty of “the kingdom of heaven” within you is that you keep making up an imaginary distance between you and what’s already here now.

I tell you now, there is no distance. How far are you from Now? You’re never anywhere else. You’re never in any other time. Minus a thought, there is no time

Contemplate the following words:

Here is everywhere.
Now is always.

Consider that you’re never not here and it’s never not now.

There’s no secret. Now is the access-point of all wisdom and well-being.

Now is all there is… and it’s always here, waiting for you to turn all your love and attention to it so it can shower you with the blessings and miracles that are already yours.

Here is everywhere. Now is always. Click To Tweet

To your joy and freedom,


PS – If you enjoyed this reminder, please pass it along by sharing it via the social media buttons to your left (or below if you’re on mobile).

Thank you. Create a beautiful day!

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About Me

My name is Joshua Benavides. I'm the best-selling author of Break The Worry Habit, as well as The Sun Seeking Light and Overlooking Happiness.

I'm the founder and director of Profound Wellbeing, an online center for self-realization and self-actualization. I'm also the creator of The Way of Surrender: A Journey In Letting Go.

We help people realize their divinity, embrace their humanity and fulfill their potential via a simple, yet profound, understanding of how life works called The 3 Principles of Mind, Consciousness and Thought.

If you want to discover how you can be happy, successful and at peace in life - no matter what - you're in the right place. Welcome!



His passion and commitment to YOU, his genuine love for this work, and his wealth of experience along with his authentic and uplifting personality can’t help but create more beauty in your world, no matter which direction you are going! I am very grateful for the amazing changes that have happened in my life as a direct result of working with Joshua!
Dory HackerTherapist

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