It’s Time To Look In A New Direction

by | Jan 21, 2016

“So, like the blind man, close your eyes. Like the deaf man, block your ears, go inside and realize…that which you seek has been there within.”

– Syd Banks

The world is paying a very heavy price for a fundamental misunderstanding, in the minds of humanity, of how life really works.

It’s this gap between how we think life works and how it really works that has created tremendous amounts of needless suffering for people.

Consider this:

All wars, violence, depression, greed, racism, sexism, insecurity, reactionary behavior, and all the unhappiness in the world are symptoms of a fundamental illusion about life that many of us are innocently caught up in.

This grand illusion can be described as follows:

A) Our feelings are created or caused by outside forces. What I feel on the inside has something to do with circumstances on the outside.

B) If I feel bad, I can address, change, alter, fix or get rid of the circumstance believed to be the source of this feeling, and then I’ll feel better.

This illusion keeps us locked in an exhausting attempt to control our circumstances with the hope that, by doing so, we’ll feel better.

When we’re functioning from this misunderstanding, stress, fear, anxiety, inadequacy, insecurity, overwhelm, and frustration become the norm.

There is a sense that we just can’t relax or feel good until we’ve changed the circumstances that we believe are the cause of our good feelings.

This is what the view looks like from this “Outside-In Paradigm”:

– When I finally achieve financial freedom, then I’ll feel [a good feeling]

– Once I get the guy/girl, then I’ll feel [a good feeling].

– Once I’ve lost the weight, then I’ll feel [a good feeling].

– And so on.

I understand, intimately, that this is an innocent misunderstanding.

We are all immersed in a world that largely believes that what happens outside of us is responsible for what happens inside of us.

But once we start exploring the nature of our experience, it becomes painfully obvious that this is a fundamental misunderstanding of how life works.

We all want to experience profound levels of wellbeing, freedom, joy, happiness, peace, confidence, courage, and love. We all want to experience all the goodness that life has to offer.

The consistent problem is that we just keep looking for it in all the wrong places: in belief systems, mindsets, circumstances, outcomes, food, sex, drugs, people, approval, control and all kinds of objects.

If you’re reading this, then you probably already know or are starting to get the feeling that humanity is over-ripe for a deeper understanding of how life works.

It’s time for us to look in a totally new direction – not only for our own sake, but for the sake of all living beings.

In truth: there will always be only one place where we will find our well-being, happiness, freedom, creativity and joy:

Here. Now. And within.

Here, now, and within – are “Home.”

“Home” is our natural state of wellbeing, peace, wisdom, resilience and love. This is our natural state when we’re not covering it up with our Thoughts.

Home is our natural state of wellbeing, peace, wisdom, resilience and love. Click To Tweet

This simple, yet profound, awareness enables us to create and live life with greater wisdom and ease. It allows for our creativity to bring forth new possibilities that aren’t stemming from lack, resistance, fear or inadequacy.

When we begin to understand and see how we are creating our experience of life from the inside-out, we start realizing that we are always one thought away from our innate wellbeing and wisdom.

What I can tell you, from working with hundreds of people from around the world and from all walks of life, is that so much unnecessary struggle, suffering, drama and pain, begin to fall away the more we see that our experiencing is always coming from the inside-out, and not the outside-in.

Uncertainty and confusion get replaced with a clear Knowing.

Fear, stress and overwhelm get replaced by Wellbeing and Peace.

Connection with others becomes easy and natural.

There are no tools or techniques that will take us back home. You’re already home. Most of us just need a gentle conversation where we can explore the Principles that underlie our experience of life for us to wake up to the treasures we’ve been carrying within.

There are no tools or techniques that will take us back home. You're already home. Click To Tweet

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About Me

My name is Joshua Benavides. I'm the best-selling author of Break The Worry Habit, as well as The Sun Seeking Light and Overlooking Happiness.

I'm the founder and director of Profound Wellbeing, an online center for self-realization and self-actualization. I'm also the creator of The Way of Surrender: A Journey In Letting Go.

We help people realize their divinity, embrace their humanity and fulfill their potential via a simple, yet profound, understanding of how life works called The 3 Principles of Mind, Consciousness and Thought.

If you want to discover how you can be happy, successful and at peace in life - no matter what - you're in the right place. Welcome!



I rank Joshua Benavides as one of the top transformational coaches out there today! I highly recommend Joshua to help you get unstuck, step up as the leader that you are and serve the world in your own unique way!
Stacey MorgensternCo-Founder of Holistic MBA and Transformational Coaching Method

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