One Simple Little Secret To Be More Effective, Productive And At Peace

Something I’ve done for years is to encourage my clients to “live with and from” specific and empowering ideas (a credo if you will) for a certain amount of time.
Many of these “live-withs” end up becoming integrated into their “way of being” simply because of the shifts they experienced in their lives.
One of those “live-withs” that I’ve shared for years now, simply because it’s been incredibly helpful for me and my clients to be more effective, productive, present and feel less stressed, anxious and worried about life, is the following idea (read it slowly):
Do What You’re Doing When You’re Doing It…
And Don’t Do What You’re Not Doing When You’re Not Doing It.
Do what you’re doing when you’re doing it and don’t do what you’re not doing when you’re not doing it. Click To Tweet
Let’s break this down to get a clearer view of what this really means.
Do What You’re Doing When You’re Doing It Means…
1. You Show Up Fully
It means you are present with what is actually here and now. You’re giving your love and attention to whatever is in front of you. You see what is actually in front of you as the most important thing in your life right now. You recognize that life is happening now. Now is all there is. You are present, focused and paying attention to What Is.
2. You Respond Creatively To What Shows Up
It means that you’re in a perpetual creative response to whatever arises in the moment. You’re not merely reacting. Instead, you’re open, available and receptive to your inner wisdom and guidance. You allow your creativity to be expressed without inhibition or overthinking it. There is a spontaneous and fresh quality to your ideas and actions. Some would call this being “in the flow” or “in the zone.”
Don’t Do What You’re Not Doing When You’re Not Doing It Means…
1. You’re Not Hallucinating
This means that you’re not sitting on a couch hallucinating about what you “should” be doing. If you’re sitting on the couch, you’re sitting on the couch and enjoying its comfort. If you’re working on a project, you’re not thinking about what you could be doing with family, you’re just working on the project at hand. And vice versa, if you’re with family you’re not thinking about what you could be doing for your project.
2. You’re In Your Health, Sanity and Power
To be totally frank, trying to do what you’re not doing when you’re not doing it is a form of insanity. It tends to create unnecessary stress, worry, distraction and anxiety in the body-mind.
And to top it off, we end up missing the beauty, awe and magnificence of this moment because we’re so fixated on our hallucinations of things that only exist as thoughts. This moment, minus your thoughts about the next moment or moment’s already passed, is the doorway to higher functioning, inner peace and power.
In Essence…
Doing what you’re doing when you’re doing it, and not trying to do what you’re not doing when you’re not doing it, is the key to unleash your effectiveness, courage, productivity, ease, wisdom and creativity.
I encourage you to “live with” this idea for a time. Explore its dimensions and implications. See what kind of effects it starts to have in your life when you “live with and from” this simple, yet powerful, idea:
Do what you’re doing when you’re doing it…
And don’t do what you’re not doing when you’re not doing it.
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Thank you so much and create a beautiful day!