The Creative Power of Love And Innocence

by | May 14, 2016

“We’re all looking for love, in our confusion, until we find our way back to the realization that love is what we already are.”

~Byron Katie

There have been many times when I have sat down to write something for others where I’ve felt that I really don’t have anything to say.

Often, I only hear Silence. And certainly, there are many occasions where the Silence offers luminous, electrifying inspirations. But sometimes, it’s just silent. Quiet. Still.

If I attempt to ‘push/force’ myself to write something or say something, I’ve noticed that the end result seems to always fall a little flat. It just doesn’t come close to the kinds of insights and wisdom that come from a much deeper intelligence.

It doesn’t have the vibrant energy of inspiration and usually carries a dull note – most likely because when it’s not coming from inspiration it’s usually coming from the intellect, from my memory, which is simply to say, from my little, tiny storehouse of knowledge.

So, because the difference is very clear to me, I usually just don’t write when I have nothing to say.

And to be honest, I’m perfectly OK with this. But it occurred to me how often this is NOT OK for so many people I’ve worked with throughout the years.

It’s not OK to just be still, to do nothing, to simply be open and receptive to life. Why? Because…[insert fear/judgement here.]

All of our manic behaviors stem from judgement and fear.

We judge and fear this moment. We judge and fear others. We even judge and fear ourselves.

Judgement and fear is the stuff that makes something so precious, like the present moment, seem like it’s not ok.

Judgement and fear is the stuff that keeps us doing, doing, doing with the hope that all of our doing will bring forth the reward of a better feeling tomorrow.

But those are the hallucinations of a mind that’s temporarily lost in thought.

The antidote to judgement and fear is a return to (or recognition of) the innate love and innocence that is always already within.

Have you noticed this? Every time you stop judging, evaluating, labeling, commenting, narrating, and trying to control life… and as the mind slows down and gets quiet, a deep, soothing, spacious feeling emerges inside of you.

And the longer you sit with this feeling, the more your mind clears, and suddenly you find yourself back in the wonder, back in the awe, back in your innate innocence where everything is seen as fresh, new, miraculous, and perfect.

Our innate love and innocence isn’t something we have to attain or achieve. It’s our default state. It’s what remains, as our natural state, whenever we drop or aren’t fixated on our fears and judgements. Only fear and judgement can keep love and innocence from shining in, through and as you.

So many so-called “problems” simply dissolve in the light of our innate love and innocence. Because love and innocence only sees the perfect unfolding of life.

In every moment, right here and now, we are always only one thought away from love and innocence.

Interestingly enough, I wasn’t going to write anything today. But then I listened deeply to the quiet, to the stillness…and suddenly, all of this appeared. It seems to me that that’s just how it works.

Creativity moves unimpeded in a clear, quiet and receptive mind.

Creativity moves unimpeded in a clear, quiet and receptive mind. Click To Tweet


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About Me

My name is Joshua Benavides. I'm the best-selling author of Break The Worry Habit, as well as The Sun Seeking Light and Overlooking Happiness.

I'm the founder and director of Profound Wellbeing, an online center for self-realization and self-actualization. I'm also the creator of The Way of Surrender: A Journey In Letting Go.

We help people realize their divinity, embrace their humanity and fulfill their potential via a simple, yet profound, understanding of how life works called The 3 Principles of Mind, Consciousness and Thought.

If you want to discover how you can be happy, successful and at peace in life - no matter what - you're in the right place. Welcome!



I experienced extraordinary results that significantly improved my life. I felt and still feel at peace with myself, less stressed, more in control of my emotions and my fears are not holding me back. It changed my life in a very positive way. I will always be grateful for this wonderful change. I would recommend Joshua Benavides to anyone.
Maria CabralUnited Nations Foreign Minister, Africa Development Visionary

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