The Power of Stopping The World

When we’re really caught up in our thinking, something fascinating occurs: thoughts no longer look like thoughts, they look like “reality.”
It’s the easiest thing to forget that we’re just thinking in the moment.
When we forget that we’re thinking in the moment, we tend to believe that what we’re feeling is coming from something other than our thinking i.e. from our circumstances, the people in our lives, the money in the bank, and so on.
But this is just a self-induced, hypnotic trance.
The truth is:
In every moment, we are only subject to what we are holding in mind.
As pure Consciousness, we are only seeing and experiencing the projection of thought in the moment.
Consider that.
You see, nothing is proclaiming itself to be what we say it is.
The bird doesn’t say “I’m a bird”. The tree doesn’t say “I’m a tree”. The sky doesn’t say “I’m the sky”.
Likewise, circumstances aren’t saying “I’m bad” and events aren’t saying “I’m good”(or vice versa).
Nothing is proclaiming itself to be what we believe it is.
We’re doing that. We’re doing it most of the time, and usually, unconsciously.
We are all living, to a more or lesser degree, in a world of unrecognized thought.
In a world that really seems like it’s “out there,” but in reality is and has always been “in here.”
Our feelings know nothing about what is “out there.”
Our feelings are always only informing us about one thing: the quality of our thinking, of what we are holding in mind.
When the lens that we are seeing the world through is dark, everything we see, even the people we love so much, appear dark.
When the lens that we are seeing the world through is light, everything we see, even the people that used to bother us so much, look light.
It’s of vital important, if we are to fulfill our soul’s true potential in this life, to understand that we are living in the feeling of our “right now” thinking.
It’s a tremendous service and gift to the world to wake up from our mental-projections, because when we do, we automatically release all the anger, hate, jealousy, lack, limitation and fear that came with the projection.
And what remains when that happens?
One of the greatest gifts and miracles in life is coming into the direct experience and realization of our Innate Wellbeing, the wellbeing that’s always here and now, underlying the activity of our thinking.
It’s what’s always here, waiting for that “holy instant” when you “stop the world” you’re spinning in your mind.
In that “holy instant”, the clouds of your thinking part and the warm, nurturing sun of pure, expansive Well-Being shines through.
Today, I encourage you to explore this precious and sacred moment – minus your thoughts about it.
What does “here and now” actually feel like when you “stop the world” you’re currently spinning in your mind?
What is actually here right now without a story about what is here right now?
When would now be a good time to stop the world and find out?
To your joy and freedom,
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Thank you so much. Create a beautiful day!