Trust, Wait & See

Earlier this year, my family and I moved from Santa Fe, New Mexico to Northern California.
As always, we were following our “inner pull” and guidance. We’ve done this together enough to know that when we’re both feeling pulled in a direction, we are being invited to trust how things unfold, no matter what.
So we packed up. Got everything in order. And hit the road.
On our drive up to California, we were hit with the craziest sand storm we’ve ever experienced!
We literally could not see 1 ft in front of us. And it was pretty spooky because we knew there were cars ahead of us and behind us and beside us.
There was no shoulder to pull over on so the only choice was to trust and move forward cautiously.
It was like this for like 5 minutes. But it felt like hours!
Once we made it to the other side, we were so relieved but noticed something peculiar…
The windshield to our car looked like it was covered in sand making it hard to see through. No big deal, we thought. It’s probably just residue and will come off with a simple wash.
We pulled into a gas station and tried to clean it. But it wouldn’t come off. I looked closer and sure enough, our windshield had been sand-blasted.
In fact, the whole front of our car had been totally sand-blasted and damaged.
We thought “OK. It is what it is. Let’s call the insurance company when we arrive and see what can be done.”
We finally arrive to California (which had it’s challenges due to a very sand-blasted windshield). We call the insurance company, explain what happened and they tell us they would send someone to check out the damage and see what can be done.
A couple days later…
a nice young man shows up to our house, checks out the car and he tells us not to worry, we’re totally covered and calculates the repairs to be about $4000 and writes us a check to give to our shop of choice.
He also reminds us that we have a $500 deductible, which means that we’ll have to pay that out of pocket.
Considering the extensive repairs they were making, we were feeling blessed and grateful, knowing that all is being taken cared of and there’s never any need to worry about anything.
Later that same day…
My sister was pulling out of the driveway and didn’t see our car and BAM! She rammed right into the driver’s side front and rear door.
Our first reaction was “What!?” Which quickly turned into curiosity. Then trust settled into our minds and hearts once again.
For some mysterious reason, this was happening. We chose to trust, to wait and see what was really unfolding and to not worry.
My sister called her insurance. And they said they would cover all damages which they calculated to be about $5000.
We finally take our car into the shop. They take about a month to do all the repairs.
When we arrive to pick it up, we were surprised to see that they did even more work than what we had expected!
They gave the whole car a new paint job, replaced the rear bumper (it had a dent in it from the first owner), replaced the windshield, headlights, cleaned the car inside and out and basically fixed everything that was broken.
The car was literally in better shape than when we bought it from the lot!
And when we went inside to pay our $500 deductible, they said “No worries about the deductible. We took care of everything so you don’t have to pay for anything out of pocket.”
We were in awe and gratitude for this tremendous gift.
We basically got a new car without paying for anything out of pocket!
The key lesson I’d love to share from this whole occurrence can be encapsulated in three words:
Trust, Wait & See.
You see, none of us know how things will unfold.
We can either judge and freak out in the moment, reacting to the images we’re holding in mind…or we can choose to Trust that there is a much deeper Intelligence that is guiding and orchestrating all of Life (including our own).
When we went through that sand-storm and saw the damage that it did to our vehicle, we could have created all sorts of suffering in the moment.
We could have felt cursed, like things ‘aren’t working out’ and that the fact that this happened was a ‘bad’ thing, like we had bad ‘karma’ or something.
We could have also felt like the Universe must be conspiring against us when, on top of that, our front and rear door were smashed by my sister’s car.
In the end, all of this would have created a lot of UNNECESSARY stress, angst, anger, and suffering.
In reality, it was all a big blessing in disguise.
The truth is, we simply do not know how things will unfold for any of us.
What may feel like the greatest curse may just be leading you to your greatest blessing.
Therefore, it is wise to not judge but to trust, wait and see. Because you never know.
With that, I leave you with a beautiful Taoist story that beautifully shares this lesson:
There is a Taoist story of an old farmer who had worked his crops for many years. One day his horse ran away. Upon hearing the news, his neighbors came to visit.
“Such bad luck,” they said sympathetically.
“We’ll see,” the farmer replied.
The next morning the horse returned, bringing with it three other wild horses.
“How wonderful,” the neighbors exclaimed.
“We’ll see,” replied the old man.
The following day, his son tried to ride one of the untamed horses, was thrown, and broke his leg. The neighbors again came to offer their sympathy on his misfortune.
“We’ll see,” answered the farmer.
The day after, military officials came to the village to draft young men into the army. Seeing that the son’s leg was broken, they passed him by. The neighbors congratulated the farmer on how well things had turned out.
“We’ll see” said the farmer.
To your magnificent life,
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