Two Limitations That Are Preventing Miracles In Your Life

by | Jan 16, 2017

Assuming you want to experience the most satisfying and fulfilling life ever, there are certain assumed limitations you’ll have to shed to fulfill your true potential.

If you don’t address these assumed limitations, you’ll continue to live and act within the boundary conditions of false conclusions. Meaning, you’ll continue to re-live, re-enact, and re-experience life according to these limitations.

Here’s the gist of it: what you currently believe to be true is usually all that is limiting your capacity and what’s truly possible for your life.

How do I know? After having thousands of hours of deep, transformative conversations with people from all around the world and from all walks of life, I’ve come to see, very clearly, the assumed limitations that most of us have placed upon our lives.

I’ve found that pretty much across the board, we all have some version of the same two assumed limitations.

I wish to share them with you in the hopes that, by seeing them clearly, you may be inspired to go beyond them.

These are the two most common limitations that are holding back miracles, possibilities, potential, abundance, success, and ease in your life.

Limitation #1: Who you think you are.

Who, or what, you take yourself to be, comes with inherent limitations.

Who you believe you really are determines what’s truly possible for you and what you’re truly capable of in life.

It’s important to understand, right off the bat, that all limitations are first born in the mind and then expressed in the world.

All limitations are first born in the mind and then expressed in the world. Click To Tweet

When it comes to what’s possible for your life and what you’re capable of, chances are, you’re limiting yourself.

Not because you’ve chosen to. But because of what you’ve learned to be true about who you really are.

Based on my conversations with clients, most of us live in a world of unrecognized thoughts. It’s as if we’re dreaming, asleep to the fact that all we’re seeing in the moment is Thought and not something other than Thought.

When Thoughts appear to be “more than thoughts” we’re cooked! We’ve taken the dream to be the sole reality.

This is exactly what we are doing when it comes to who we believe we really are.

Most of us are living in and from an unrecognized and unquestioned thought /story about who we really are.

Like all unrecognized thoughts, it really feels like we really are “incapable of _____ ” or “not deserving of _____” or “too _________ to be, do or have _________.”

But the only thing we can say that is true about any of these ideas is that they’re all products of Thought taking form in the moment.

Unbeknownst to ourselves, until we wake up to this, we’re constantly experiencing and expressing a thought-created version of ourselves.

Here’s the rub: It really doesn’t matter how grandiose of a picture or story you have about yourself. That’s not the point (and certainly not the solution).

The point is that as long as you take yourself to be a thought-created character in your mind, defined by memories and stories, you’ll continue to experience the inherent limitations (and insecurity) that comes from taking yourself to be a thought, that by it’s nature, comes and goes.

Again, it really doesn’t seem like it’s a thought. It really feels like “that’s just the way I am”…but I guarantee you, 9 times out of 9, it’s just a Thought you’re believing to be true.

So contemplate this:

1) What if all the limitations you experience, as far as what you’re truly capable of and what’s really possible for you, are simply thoughts that you’re currently believing to be true?

2) If that were the case, how much sense does it make to keep pushing and trying to make things happen from this limited point-of-view?

3) Furthermore, if you discover that your assumed limitations are being generated from within you, how might that change the direction in which you look to unleash your true capabilities and possibilities for your life?

The truth is: You are so much more than your passing thoughts.

Just behind all your passing thoughts, there is a whole other world of limitless possibilities, boundless capacities, and an endless wellspring of wisdom and guidance that can take your life to unprecedented levels of happiness, success and fulfillment.

We don’t become unleashed by simply taking ourselves to be another, refined passing thought, but by recognizing ourselves as that which is beyond all thoughts: that which all thoughts are appearing to.

Limitation #2: What you believe God/Spirit/The Universe/Mind is capable of.

In the same way that we limits ourselves based on our thinking, we do the same with the deeper Intelligence behind all life.

We may not notice it, but we all have acquired specific beliefs about this Higher Power – what it’s really capable of, not capable of, possible, not possible, etc.

We all have various points of view about how far our faith and trust in this Higher Power can take us.

Regardless of all the points of views, one thing is universally true: What you see and believe is what you get.

Most of us are limiting the power of the Universe to create miracles in our lives. Instead of seeing this deeper intelligence as the Infinite, Omnipresent, Limitless power and intelligence that is beyond all limitations we make up in our minds – we tend to project our own sense of limitations to this Higher Power.

And because we live in a Universe of “So Be It”… what you see is what you get.

Becoming unleashed and making the impossible, possible, will always require that we be willing to shed old, limiting ideas about who we are and what this deeper wisdom and intelligence within us is truly capable of when we’re not getting in the way.

So, take a moment to reflect on this:

1) Where and how might you be limiting the power of God/Spirit/The Universe/Mind in your life?

2) What would be truly possible without these projected limitations?

3) If you could genuinely trust that the Universe truly has your back, what would you be willing to let go of or do that you’re currently holding on to or not doing?

Whatever that is for you, have the courage to do it and trust in the deeper wisdom within you.

From what I can see in this moment, shedding these two, mostly invisible, limitations have produced all manners of unexpected miracles, ease and flow to happen in my life and the lives of my clients.

May it do so for you as well.

If you found this article helpful to you in some way, please pass it on and share it by using one of the social media buttons to the left (or below if you’re on mobile).

And if after reading this, you feel called to engage in a transformative conversation to unleash more of who you really are and what’s truly possible for your life this year, I’d be honored to connect and co-create miracles with you.

Create a beautiful day!

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About Me

My name is Joshua Benavides. I'm the best-selling author of Break The Worry Habit, as well as The Sun Seeking Light and Overlooking Happiness.

I'm the founder and director of Profound Wellbeing, an online center for self-realization and self-actualization. I'm also the creator of The Way of Surrender: A Journey In Letting Go.

We help people realize their divinity, embrace their humanity and fulfill their potential via a simple, yet profound, understanding of how life works called The 3 Principles of Mind, Consciousness and Thought.

If you want to discover how you can be happy, successful and at peace in life - no matter what - you're in the right place. Welcome!



Joshua takes the most powerful principles I know of to get past limitations and finally live the life you desire – and he makes them easy to understand AND apply. The only thing between us and our dreams is the limitations in our own mind and Joshua is a great guide to help you release those limitations.
Kristen HoweAuthor, Life and Success Coach, Host of Manifest Everything Now

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