Why Do I Feel The Way I Feel?

by | Oct 24, 2016

In this short video, you’ll discover where your feelings really come from in the moment.

You’ll learn about the biggest, wide-spread myth that keeps people looking outside of themselves, in all the wrong places, for happiness, peace and wellbeing.

The simple, yet profound, explanation you’re about to learn in this video, can transform your life. No joke! 

Enjoy! And if you found it helpful, please share it using the share buttons to the left (or below if you’re on mobile). Thank you!

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About Me

My name is Joshua Benavides. I'm the best-selling author of Break The Worry Habit, as well as The Sun Seeking Light and Overlooking Happiness.

I'm the founder and director of Profound Wellbeing, an online center for self-realization and self-actualization. I'm also the creator of The Way of Surrender: A Journey In Letting Go.

We help people realize their divinity, embrace their humanity and fulfill their potential via a simple, yet profound, understanding of how life works called The 3 Principles of Mind, Consciousness and Thought.

If you want to discover how you can be happy, successful and at peace in life - no matter what - you're in the right place. Welcome!



I doubted that anyone could help me on the challenge I called Joshua with. I am, after all, a full time speaker, ex Tony Robbins coach, NLP trainer, Master Hypnotherapist and the list goes on. But I’m very glad I did. Joshua was able to help me with what was stopping me and move past it quickly and easily.
Scott WhaleyPeak Performance Coach, President of Real Wealth Speakers and Real Wealth Seminars

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